Extra costs (parking tickets, fines, extra kilometers, etc.)

The renter is obligated to pay all parking fees, extra kilometers, missing fuel, speeding fines, and any other non-rental expenses incurred during the rental period. Car owners and renters can agree to pay additional costs in the following ways:

Option 1.

Additional costs will be agreed between the car owner and the renter either immediately after the rental period or by transferring the amount to the owner upon return of the car. This method is definitely the easiest and most flexible!

Option 2.

Additional costs are recorded when the car is returned and are clearly entered in the "additional costs" field of the lease. After this, the price of the additional costs will be automatically added to the total rent of the renter, which will be charged at the end of the rental period. The car owner receives additional costs as part of their rental income from GoMore. Note! Documentation of additional costs added to the lease must be provided to GoMore and renters during routine inspections, if applicable.

Option 3.

If, for one reason or another, no additional costs have been agreed between the renter and the owner when returning the car (for example, if the car owner later receives an invoice for additional costs, such as parking fines), the car owner will send documentation related to the extra costs to support@gomore.fi. And informs us on which rental this has occurred. Once we have verified the information and contacted the renter, we will charge the amount of the additional charge to his debit card and transfer it to the owner of the car.

In the case of a traffic error charge that affects the right to drive, a request for redress should be made to the authorities.

For a traffic error charge (such as a speeding fine), you can request a correction from the contact information on the ticket. You can also read more about this directly on the police website: https://poliisi.fi/automaattinen-liikennevalvonta

If you make a request for rectification of the traffic error fee to the Police, please state the full name of the renter and the number of the driving license (if you know it). If necessary, we will send the personal data of the renter to the Police with the case number of the traffic error fee. If you have filed a complaint with the police, do not pay the fine yourself. Once the claim has been approved by the police, the fine will be canceled for you and transferred to the right person to be handled.

The right to drive is not affected by traffic error charges for the slightest traffic violations.

If you receive a traffic error charge for such a violation committed by someone else in your car, no redress is required and the matter is dealt with once the fine has been paid - in these cases you can contact the renter directly to ask for a fine or alternatively send the fine documentation to support@gomore.fi and indicate the period during which the costs were incurred. Once we have verified the information and contacted the renter, we will charge the amount of the additional charge to his debit card and transfer it to the owner of the car, in which case he will pay the fine himself.

If you have any thoughts or questions about additional costs, you can always contact us and we will try to answer your questions!