
With the car calendar, you can define the daily prices of your car, as well as the times when your car is not available. From the calendar, you can easily block times when your car is for your own use, or when renting a car is not possible for other reasons. You can open the calendar from the GoMore application by selecting "Your car" at the bottom of the screen, and in the web browser from the booking information of your car's profile from "Calendar".

You should keep the calendar updated, especially if the instant booking is turned on. This saves you from unnecessary rental requests, because the car will not be visible in the search results. This has a positive effect on your rental approval rate, and through this also on your attractiveness as an owner.

To make managing the calendar as easy as possible, you can change the calendar horizon in your car's reservation settings. The calendar horizon defines how long your calendar is open for new rental requests. The rentals are automatically blocked for days outside the horizon. The maximum length of the calendar horizon is 12 months.

In the car's calendar, the days are automatically open for rentals. You can block the times from the calendar when you know that your car is not available for rent. Please notice that you can choose several days at the same time. You don't have to block the days completely, you can also set the exact times you want, if the car is only in your own use for example a few hours of the day.

Daily price

In addition, the calendar shows the daily price of the car. You can edit the price of individual days, if you want to set a higher price for example a certain weekday. Editing can be done by selecting the desired days, and press "Edit price".

If you need help with updating the calendar, feel free to contact us.