Discount codes

In order to make renting cars at GoMore as affordable as possible for our renter members, and for the car owners to receive sufficient earnings at the same time, GoMore often offers renters various discounts in the form of discount codes. In addition, discounts can be obtained with GoMore Points, which you get, for example, by registering to our service and recommending GoMore to your friends.

The validity periods of the discount codes depend on the campaign, and the most common ones are explained below.

  • Discount code for first-time renters: Valid for members renting a car from GoMore for the first time, all days of the week and seasons. The same member cannot use the discount code again.
  • Discount code for first-time renters on weekdays: Valid for a member renting a car from GoMore for the first time, who rents a car on weekdays from Monday to Friday. If the rental extends fully or partially to the weekend (e.g. if the rental starts on Thursday and ends on Saturday at 01:00 in the morning), the discount code is not valid and therefore does not entitle you to a discount.
  • Discount code for Keyless rentals: Valid only for Keyless rentals at all times. The discount code cannot be used for other car rentals.
  • Discount code not valid during holidays: Valid only outside of holiday periods, when the demand for rental cars is low. You can see the high demand holiday times here.
If your discount code does not work, please check that your GoMore profile meets the conditions of that discount code as above. The discount codes are generally valid for reservations made during the month of issue, but the rental can also take place during the following month.

We guide you to use the discount code in a separate FAQ article here.